Safety 101

Water Safety for kids

A few things you need to know about water safety.

Western Australians enjoy a large variety of water-based activities, whether along our pristine coastline, our inland waterways, public pools, and adventure parks and of course our very own backyard pools. However, danger lurks. While I don’t want to dampen our enthusiasm for fun there is no substitute for supervision or never swimming alone.

A child can drown in 6 cm of water. Most drowning and near-drowning incidents occur when a child falls into a pool or is left alone in the bathtub. Bathtubs, buckets, toilets, and hot tubs present drowning dangers as well. Never leave a child alone near water.

Some little-known facts about safety in these areas are:

  • Never leave a child alone near water. -This is important and therefore bears repeating.
  • Everyone in the family should learn to tread water and swim.
  • If you’re not a swimmer yourself, it’s a good idea to take lessons and learn how to swim
  • Even when lifeguards are on duty, supervise your own child.
  • This person should not be reading, texting, using a smart phone, or otherwise distracted.
  • Home pools and spars should always be fenced, gated and locked or appropriately covered when not in use.
  • Never run near swimming pools
  • Use the Slip Slop Slap Wrap Rule and drink lots of water
  • Learn CPR